Post-processing using the FLUENT Post-Processor

Download this file and save it somewhere convenient. It will be used in this portion of the tutorial.

The following video will walk you through looking at the results of the analysis.

Note: If your pressure contours don't match what is shown in the video, change the "Coloring" option to "Banded" and then open up "Colormap Options..." and change "Colormap Size" to 40. Then hit Apply, Close, and then Save/Display.

In order to make plots comparing the Ansys Fluent results with the corresponding analytical results, it is recommended that you export the data from Ansys Fluent into Excel or MATLAB and make the plots in Excel or MATLAB. You can export data in a Ansys Fluent "XY Plot" into a text file using the Write to file option. The following video walks you through the process of exporting the Mach number variation along x to a text file and reading in the Mach number values into Excel.