

3D Transonic Flow Over a Wing



Cornell University

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Airplane wings have streamlined cross-sections. When air flows over these wings, the aerodynamic forces generated on the wing maintains the aircraft in the air. The vertical force responsible for keeping the aircraft in flight is called the lift force. In aerodynamics, the relative velocity of the aircraft and its surrounding fluid (air) is typically compared with the speed of sound using a dimensionless number-the Mach Number. The larger the Mach number, the faster is the speed of the aircraft. For most commercial inter-continental flights, the typical Mach number at the cruising altitude is between 0.6 and 0.8. This flow regime is called Subsonic regime. When the Mach number is between 0.9 and 1.2, the flow regime is commonly referred to as Transonic flow. When the Mach number is greater than 1, the flow is typically Supersonic. This SimCafe Fluids Course was developed by Dr. Rajesh Bhaskaran at Cornell University in partnership with Ansys. It serves as an e-learning resource to integrate industry-standard simulation tools into courses and provides a resource for supplementary learning outside the classroom. In this tutorial, we will learn to model the transonic flow over a 3D wing by following the end-to-end workflow in Ansys Workbench.Learn practical simulation engineering techniques while following along with hands-on examples that can be completed either using your valid commercial/academic Ansys license or with Ansys Student.
Cornell University also offers a Fluid Dynamics Simulations Using Ansys online certificate authored by Dr. Rajesh Bhaskaran. Learn more here:

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  • Cost:
  • Course Duration: 4-6 HOURS
  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • Skills Gained: Transonic flow, Turbulence, Ansys Fluent

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