Understanding the Need to Fully Constrain the Model - Lesson 2

When performing static analysis, we need to always keep in mind the need to fully constrain the model. This does not imply that we must over- constrain the model; rather, we must have optimal boundary conditions to complete an analysis successfully and accurately. In this video, we will discuss the importance of properly constraining the model and the best strategies that users may follow to achieve success. We will deliver a short lecture following a workshop walkthrough example, which will show how to implement the points discussed.

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Video Highlights

0:56 - Static Analysis FEA equations for bar elements

1:31 - Rigid body motion explained

2:41 - Preventing rigid body motion

3:27 - Inertia Relief Method introduced

4:14 - Weak Springs explained

8:53 - Inertia Relief implementation and explanation

9:33 - Usage of 3-2-1 Rule for model constraint

10:47 - Implementation of 3-2-1 Rule on simulation model

13:22 - Inertia Relief output summary explained

14:07 - Post-Processing reaction force from a displacement boundary condition via drag and drop

Simulation Files

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