

Stress Analysis in Solid Mechanics




Stress analysis is a very important task for engineers in civil, mechanical, aerospace and many other subjects. Although it is called stress analysis, it looks for both stress and strain over the structure so that to determine the condition of a structure under external loads.Stress analysis can be performed through different ways, for example, experimental testing, analytical solution or computational simulation, or a combination of the methods. In this course, we will start from the objectives and applications of stress analysis and we will address the importance of an engineer’s role in computational simulation of stress analysis.
Learn practical simulation engineering techniques while following along with hands-on examples that can be completed either using your valid commercial/academic Ansys license or with Ansys Student..

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  • Cost:
  • Course Duration: 2-4 HOURS
  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • Skills Gained: Solid Mechanics, Stress Analysis, Numerical Simulation, Ansys Mechanical
5.00 out of 5
  • Course is best for the quick revision